If your parcel includes a return label
To check if you can return your parcel with SmartPosti:
1. Go to our self-service page. 2. Navigate to the "Return" section. 3. Enter your Return Parcel Tracking Number (ID).*
*A combination of at least 9 letters and numbers – with no spaces, brackets, periods or other punctuation marks.
If the return is not supported or the return period has expired, contact the sender for assistance. If the parcel number is not accepted, double-check that you have entered the number from the return label correctly.
Once the Return parcel number is accepted, you can return it through a SmartPosti parcel locker or courier.
Return via parcel locker
For returns via a parcel locker, select your preferred location and specify the parcel size on the self-service page. Once registered, drop off your parcel at the locker reserved for you.
Your locker reservation is valid until the closing time of the SmartPosti locker location you selected. Aim to drop off your parcel well ahead of the location's closing time to ensure you have enough time to complete the process without any rush.
Return via courier
If your parcel is too large for a locker or no suitable location is nearby, you can request a courier pick-up by filling out the return application form.
Select the "Package size/courier call" option to arrange the return. Once your return order is placed, the courier will arrive the next working day.
Remember that only parcels with a verified return label can be returned through SmartPosti.